Saturday, October 16, 2010

Newsletter 10/15

 Greetings Ohana Family!

Isn't this fall weather wonderful? I'm loving it. Don't worry, if you are a summer fan your nine months will be here soon enough.

* Our next quarterly event, WAIT NO MORE is quickly approaching, are you guys registering to join us?
This week Pastor Becky is speaking to over 500 pastor's wives and other women in ministry and will campaign for this event.
I'd love to see other churches across North Texas partner with Focus on the Family for this statewide rally. Pray with us that hearts and homes
will be opened to provide permanent families to children from hard places.
Do you have video editing skills? Our Spanish sister ministry would like to produce a commercial to advertise this event.

* A big thanks to our volunteers, event organizers and 150 people who came out to run for the kids this past weekend.
Consider serving deserts at our next fundraiser, the children's ministry Christmas play on December 10th and 11th.

* We've reached WEEK 6 in CPRT, if you haven't had this parent child relationship training get your name on the waiting list for next semester!
This week we talked about setting limits using the ACT method. Acknowledge the feeling, Communicate the limit, Target the alternative.

*Wednesday night support for parents and teachers is growing as we study Positive Discipline. This week we discussed four mistaken goals of behavior.
It's critical to understand WHY your child is misbehaving so you address the root issue and not just the behavior.
Humans all need to experience belonging and significance, and children easily become misguided.

Four mistaken beliefs that could be the motive are :

1. Undue Attention - "I only belong when I have your attention."
2. Misguided Power - "I belong when I am the boss."
3. Revenge - "I don't belong, but at least I can hurt back."
4. Assumed Inadequacy - "It is impossible to belong, I give up."

Next week we transition to solutions and would love for you to join us for snacks and sharing.

* We are already planning for next semester. On the calendar are plans to partner with Arrow Child and Family Ministry for more foster care/adoption licensure classes. We will also offer Spanish support groups, evening CPRT, continued Wednesday night training, and another Ohana picnic with a panel on multiethnic families. Hopefully food and childcare will accompany all events. If you want to help coordinate these functions we would love your help. Keep e-mailing praise reports and prayer requests, we want to hear from you.