Saturday, October 16, 2010

Newsletter 10/15

 Greetings Ohana Family!

Isn't this fall weather wonderful? I'm loving it. Don't worry, if you are a summer fan your nine months will be here soon enough.

* Our next quarterly event, WAIT NO MORE is quickly approaching, are you guys registering to join us?
This week Pastor Becky is speaking to over 500 pastor's wives and other women in ministry and will campaign for this event.
I'd love to see other churches across North Texas partner with Focus on the Family for this statewide rally. Pray with us that hearts and homes
will be opened to provide permanent families to children from hard places.
Do you have video editing skills? Our Spanish sister ministry would like to produce a commercial to advertise this event.

* A big thanks to our volunteers, event organizers and 150 people who came out to run for the kids this past weekend.
Consider serving deserts at our next fundraiser, the children's ministry Christmas play on December 10th and 11th.

* We've reached WEEK 6 in CPRT, if you haven't had this parent child relationship training get your name on the waiting list for next semester!
This week we talked about setting limits using the ACT method. Acknowledge the feeling, Communicate the limit, Target the alternative.

*Wednesday night support for parents and teachers is growing as we study Positive Discipline. This week we discussed four mistaken goals of behavior.
It's critical to understand WHY your child is misbehaving so you address the root issue and not just the behavior.
Humans all need to experience belonging and significance, and children easily become misguided.

Four mistaken beliefs that could be the motive are :

1. Undue Attention - "I only belong when I have your attention."
2. Misguided Power - "I belong when I am the boss."
3. Revenge - "I don't belong, but at least I can hurt back."
4. Assumed Inadequacy - "It is impossible to belong, I give up."

Next week we transition to solutions and would love for you to join us for snacks and sharing.

* We are already planning for next semester. On the calendar are plans to partner with Arrow Child and Family Ministry for more foster care/adoption licensure classes. We will also offer Spanish support groups, evening CPRT, continued Wednesday night training, and another Ohana picnic with a panel on multiethnic families. Hopefully food and childcare will accompany all events. If you want to help coordinate these functions we would love your help. Keep e-mailing praise reports and prayer requests, we want to hear from you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tapestry's 5th Anniversary

Join Ohana as we help Tapestry, the foster and adoption ministry of Irving Bible Church, celebrate five years of ministry. 

"On Saturday, Setpember 18, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Tapestry is throwing a party to celebrate five years of ministry.  This evening will include dinner and some great stories, videos and more, as we look back at what God has done among our community of families and dream about what lies ahead. The entire evening will be free of charge and childcare will be available for ages 0 to 12 with advanced registration (at least 48 hours before the event).  More details to come, but go ahead and mark your calendars now."
Send us a message on our FB page, or contact us using the email link on the right to let us know if you plan to attend. We are planning to carpool together. If you need childcare please   register directly through their webpage, but please still let us know you're coming! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Family Picnic Update

We're having a picnic for foster/adoptive families or those interested at Camp El Har on Sunday August 29th from 1:30-4:30. Join us for lunch, family activities, and a short informational meeting about upcoming events. 

No worries, we have an air-conditioned facilities. 

Activities include basketball, a petting zoo, carpetball, a playground, frisbee golf, a skate park, a hiking trail, softball, horseshoes, volleyball, miniature golf, and an obstacle course. 

Please use the email link on the top right to RSVP, or contact Cheryti on the Ohana FB page (link is on the right). We look forward to you joining us! 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Family Time

A great inexpensive way to get some family time in this week would be to take your kids to $1 day at the Dallas Zoo Thursday, July 15th.

MetroPCS customers will also receive a %10 disocunt on merchandise. Enjoy each other! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Together For Adoption Conference


Together for Adoption Conference 2010 will be October 1-2, 2010, in Austin, Texas, hosted by The Austin Stone Community Church and Hill Country Bible Church (the conference venue), and in partnership with Hope for OrphansThe conference theme is “The Gospel, the Church, and the Global Orphan Crisis.”

If you're interested in attending with other Ohana families please click the email to see about carpooling. Thanks!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Family Picnic August 22nd

On Sunday, August 29th Ohana is hosting a picnic for anyone who is a foster or adoptive parent, or interested in becoming one. Please click the email link if you'd more information. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Family Connections

Week one was a huge success! More than 100 volunteers and individuals participated in the classes including 19 in the parenting class, and many families were blessed with groceries, hope, and instruction. Come be a part of what God is doing at Trinity church on Monday nights.

Welcome to the Ohana blog!

We want this to be a place to keep you updated on the many opportunities, ministries, and individuals that are under the Ohana umbrella at Trinity Church. There are currently 3 major ways you can participate. 

On Sundays from 11-1 pm we offer Child Parent Relationship Training. This is a special 10-session training program to help strengthen your relationship using 30-minute playtimes once a week. Play is the most natural way children communicate. Parents will be taught to have special structured 30-minute playtimes using a kit of carefully selected toys in their own home. In the special playtimes, you will build a different kind of relationship with your child. Through a variety of techniques parents will assist children to learn self control, responsibility, build self esteem, and improve bonding/attachment.  When children experience a play relationship in which they feel accepted, understood, and cared for, they play out many of their problems. How your child feels about herself will make a significant difference in her behavior. 

There are currently 3 more slots available for CPRT. Please use the email link on the sidebar to contact Cheryti if you are interested in participating. 

On Mondays in June we are offering Family Connections from 6:30-8:15 pm. There are classes for all age groups including parenting classes and assistance finding your place in the workforce for adults, arts and crafts and STOMP percussion for elementary aged children, an employment workshop and STOMP Percussion for teens, and Preschool and Nursery Care provided for little ones. 

The evening starts with a free family dinner at 6:30 and classes begin at 7. As an added bonus each family will take home free groceries. Email cpowell (at) to register. 

Wednesdays nights at 7 pm we offer Ohana parenting support for families with preteens and teens. Everyone is welcome to join us as we study and discuss communication, discipline, personality, brain development, limit setting, attachment, and a biblical perspective on children. 

We look forward to your participation in our growing Ohana tree.